datABBAse - Musician


Singer, songwriter, producer. Recorded 'The Way You Are' and 'Fly Like The Eagle' with Agnetha 1986. Producer of the ABBA Teens/A*Teens.

Associates an a Album

Legend for albums support: I do Not Have I Have I Seek

Under Ground
Ola & The Janglers CD 1967

Let'S Dance
Ola & The Janglers CD 1968


Legend for the Songs
OfficialBootlegLive or Unknow

Fly Like The Eagle Agnetha+Ola Hakansson 1986Singer
The Way You Are Agnetha+Ola Hakansson 1986Singer

Associate to the Song

Legend for the Songs
OfficialBootlegLive or Unknow

Dans Med En Främling Wizex 1987Autor
Dansa I Neon Tomas Ledin 2011Autor

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