datABBAse - Musician


Officials Albums

Legend for albums support: I do Not Have I Have I Seek

Empire Of Stuff
CD 2011

1T-Shirt    as 3.56
2Poets And Idiots    as 3.34
3Here'S Johnny    as 4.16
4Avalon    as 4.10
5E.T    as 3.40
6Bright Eyes    as 3.09
7Cam Me    as 4.23
8Mars    as 4.18
9I'M July Amanda    as 4.01
10Bay City Lights    as 4.20


Untergang Lion
CD 2018

1Medicine    as 3.24
2Warheart    as 3.24
3Load Up    as 4.17
4Some Horse    as 4.11
5Untergang Lion    as 3.36
6Things We Left Behind    as 3.54
7Gloomy June    as 3.59
8Poster    as 5.35
9Monkey Serenade    as 3.41


Officials Single

Legend for albums support: I do Not Have I Have I Seek

Cam Me
CDS 2011

Dance Like You Mean It
CDS 2012

Things We Left Behind
CDS 2013

Gloomy June
CDS 2013

CDS 2016


Legend for the Songs
OfficialBootlegLive or Unknow

Avalon 2011Singer
Bay City Lights 2011Singer
Bright Eyes 2011Singer
Cam Me 2011Singer
Dance Like You Mean It 2012Singer
E.T 2011Singer
Gloomy June 2013Singer
Here'S Johnny 2011Singer
I'M July Amanda 2011Singer
Load Up 2018Singer
Love Child 2015Singer
Mars 2011Singer
Medicine 2018Singer
Monkey Serenade 2018Singer
Poets And Idiots 2011Singer
Poster 2018Singer
Schools Out 2015Singer
Some Horse 2018Singer
T-Shirt 2011Singer
Things We Left Behind 2013Singer
Untergang Lion 2018Singer
Warheart 2016Singer

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