ABBA est un
groupe de pop suédois fondé à Stockholm en novembre 1970. Le groupe est
originellement composé d'Agnetha Fältskog, Anni-Frid Lyngstad (dite
Frida), Benny Andersson et Björn Ulvaeus. Les initiales des quatre
prénoms formant l'acronyme et palindrome ABBA, ce n'est qu'en 1976 que
le désormais célèbre ambigramme (avec un B inversé) sera utilisé comme
logo. Le groupe a vendu plus de 370 millions de disques[1]. Bien que le
groupe se soit séparé en 1982, leurs albums continuent à se vendre (environ
3 millions par an[1]). Historique Grand vainqueur du Concours Eurovision de la chanson 1974 avec Waterloo, numéro un à l'échelle internationale, ABBA débute sa carrière modestement avec les titres People Need Love en 1972, Ring Ring en 1973, (qui se classera quand même troisième aux pré-sélections suédoises pour ce même concours cette année-là), Hasta Mañana (dans certains pays) en 1974 et, I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do et SOS en 1975. Par ailleurs, le groupe est l'un des pionniers en matière de vidéo-clips et son image aux costumes excentriques est rapidement associée au kitsch. Ses membres ayant déjà connu la gloire de façon individuelle en Suède dans les années soixante, ABBA connaît la musique et ne néglige rien dans tous les aspects de la production. Tout est effectué par le groupe, de l'écriture des textes par Björn à la composition musicale par Benny en passant par les techniques vocales de Anni-Frid et Agnetha. Les arrangements, le mixage, le marketing et toutes décisions importantes passent entre les mains des quatre membres du groupe, qu'elles soient d'ordre musical, artistique ou d'affaires. Le manager Stig Anderson, souvent appelé cinquième membre du groupe, coécrit les textes sur les premiers albums, jusqu'en 1977. En 1976, cette image et le son ABBA sont dorénavant reconnaissables. Les mélodies sont accrocheuses et les arrangements très soignés ; c'est ainsi que Mamma Mia et Fernando (malgré quelques erreurs de grammaire anglaise) occupèrent la première place des palmarès mondiaux dans le premier semestre de cette même année. En juin, ABBA est invité à se produire à l'opéra royal de Stockholm, lors des célébrations du mariage du roi Charles XVI Gustave de Suède et de Silvia Sommerlath. Pour l'occasion, ABBA interprète une toute nouvelle chanson dont le titre fera histoire : Dancing Queen. Le groupe, portant costumes et perruques baroques, dédie le morceau à la jeune reine rayonnante. Ce titre à succès sortira sur l'album Arrival, qui se vendra à plus de dix millions d'exemplaires dans le monde. Lors de sa sortie, en août 1976, Dancing Queen connaît instantanément un succès mondial et est rapidement associée, à tort, à la vague disco de l'époque. La chanson détient la première position du palmarès de certains pays durant plusieurs mois et l'ABBAmania fait dorénavant fureur partout dans le monde, jusqu'en Australie, pays où le groupe devait[précision nécessaire] d'ailleurs rencontrer le plus franc succès. ABBA multiplie les apparitions télévisées. Jeunes et moins jeunes s'affichent avec des vêtements à l'effigie ABBA. Les ventes d'albums ne cessent d'augmenter et les stations de radiodiffusion ne cessent de diffuser les succès du groupe. Seule l'Amérique du Nord est réticente au phénomène ABBA, le Canada, lui, étant toutefois plus favorable que son voisin du Sud. En Amérique latine et en Espagne, le groupe connaît également un vif succès avec la version espagnole de leurs succès, en anglais ailleurs. Il ne faut pas oublier cependant que les membres d'ABBA étaient polyglottes avec les textes de leurs chansons, car des versions de leurs chansons que nous connaissons en anglais ont été aussi adaptées en espagnol, français et allemand. Les premières chansons d'ABBA étaient en suédois. D'autres succès suivent : Money, Money, Money, Knowing Me, Knowing You , The Name of the Game, Take a Chance on Me, Eagle (dans certains pays) et Summer Night City. À cette époque, et dans le but d'éviter des impôts nationaux de près de 75 %, ABBA investit et devient une gigantesque société économique. Le groupe et ses membres investissent dans la société de production qui l'a vu naître, Polar Music AB, qui devient dès lors Polar Music International AB. ABBA fait aussi construire son propre studio d'enregistrement, le Polar Music Studios, dans un ancien cinéma désaffecté de Stockholm. Polar investit également dans des usines d'assemblage, des chaînes de restaurants, des salles de cinéma, une galerie d'art, une compagnie de pétrole et se voit désormais coté en bourse. Agnetha, à Oslo en janvier 1977.Le sacre définitif arrive en 1978, lors de la sortie du film documentaire ABBA-The Movie (connu en France sous le titre Vive Abba) tourné en Australie durant la tournée The European & Australian Tour de 1977 et réalisé par Lasse Hallström, concepteur de la quasi-totalité des clips d'ABBA. Ce film creva les écrans aux États-Unis et le mois de mai 1978 y fut déclaré « mois ABBA ». En fin d'année, le film se classe en cinquième position, avec plus de vingt millions d'entrées. Toutefois, une ombre au tableau se dessine partiellement : Agnetha souffre de cette popularité. Elle craint les foules de plus en plus, et sa peur de l'avion restreint les engagements du groupe. Mais le plus difficile à ses yeux demeure néanmoins l'éloignement de ses enfants qui lui pèse énormément. Agnetha et Björn annoncent officiellement leur divorce à la mi-janvier 1979. Malgré ces épreuves, ABBA réfute les rumeurs de séparation et poursuit sur sa lancée. En janvier 1979, le groupe participe au gala télévisé A Gift Of Song - A Unicef Concert organisé conjointement par l'Unesco et le producteur australien Robert Stigwood à l'occasion de l'Année internationale de l'enfance. La soirée est retransmise en direct du siège de l'Unesco de New York. En guise de contribution, ABBA interprète sa toute nouvelle chanson Chiquitita et en cède les droits à l'Unicef. Dans la même année, ce n'est pas moins de cinq chansons à succès qui se hissent au sommet des palmarès mondiaux. Outre Chiquitita, Voulez-Vous, Angeleyes (dans certains pays) et Does Your Mother Know (extraits de l'album Voulez-Vous), le nouveau succès Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Man After Midnight) s'ajoute à la liste et figure sur l'album compilation The Greatest Hits Volume II. Dans le même temps, ABBA effectue une immense tournée qui conduit Agnetha, Björn, Benny et Anni-Frid en Amérique du Nord et en Europe. Le groupe joue partout à guichets fermés. Ils y chantent également un tube mémorable, Thank you for the music. Disque microsillon de Super Trouper.En 1980, le quatuor, qui connaît beaucoup de succès avec I Have A Dream, Super Trouper et The Winner Takes It All, enregistre également Gracias Por La Musica, un album compilation réunissant une dizaine de ses succès enregistrés en espagnol. Tout au long de sa carrière, ABBA aura utilisé le suédois, l'anglais, l'espagnol, le français et l'allemand pour les besoins d'un puissant marketing international. En février 1981, Anni-Frid et Benny divorcent à leur tour. Le plaisir de créer, de travailler et de chanter ensemble s'émousse. L'album, The Visitors sera le dernier. Même si le disque est, comme les précédents, de grande qualité, la magie d'ABBA n'est plus là. Malgré tout, le titre One Of Us réussit à bien se démarquer et se classe dans de nombreux palmarès internationaux, à la différence de When All Is Said And Done et Head Over Heels qui ne connurent qu'un bref passage sur les ondes radio. Au printemps 1982, les membres d'ABBA effectuent leur dernière séance d'enregistrement. Seules six chansons seront enregistrées : Just Like That, Cassandra, You Owe Me One, I Am The City et les deux 45 tours The Day Before You Came et Under Attack, à l'automne 1982, qui figurent également sur le double album compilation The Singles - The First Ten Years. Les deux titres feront office de chant du cygne. Devant sa popularité en déclin et sans toutefois annoncer officiellement sa dissolution, ABBA effectue sa dernière apparition publique à la télévision le 11 décembre 1982. Cependant, lors d'une entrevue accordée à un magazine suédois paru le 23 janvier 1984, Agnetha confia que chacun des membres désirait faire évoluer sa carrière solo et qu'il était peu probable que les membres d'ABBA reprennent leur carrière. En janvier 1986, ABBA se réunit le temps d'une dernière chanson filmée (Tivedshambo), en l'honneur de Stig Anderson, leur ancien manager. Enfin, premier groupe non anglophone d'origine à en être honorés, ils ont rejoint le 15 mars 2010 le Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, qui honore les artistes ayant marqué l'histoire du rock, où ils figurent désormais en compagnie notamment de Bruce Springsteen, des Beatles et des Rolling Stones. Après ABBA Coup de théâtre en 1990, après une lutte qui finit en justice avec trois des membres du groupe, Agnetha, Benny et Bjorn, à qui il aurait omis de payer de forts dividendes, Stig Anderson vend Polar Music et le catalogue ABBA à Polygram Records qui, à son tour, passe aux mains d'Universal Music. Néanmoins, et malgré son regain de popularité, les membres continuent de soutenir que jamais le groupe ne se reformera. En février 1999, un consortium d'affaires offre à ABBA la somme d'un milliard de dollars pour la reformation du groupe, la création d'un nouvel album original et une tournée de spectacles d'adieu à travers le monde, ce que les membres du groupe refusèrent. Il faudra attendre février 2005 pour retrouver les trois membres du groupe (Benny, Bjorn et Frida, Agnetha ne souhaitant pas prendre l'avion) dans un seul et même endroit, lors de la première de la comédie musicale Mamma Mia! à Stockholm. Cependant, fait remarquable pour un groupe inactif depuis plus de vingt ans, encore aujourd'hui, près de deux millions d'albums ABBA se vendent chaque année de par le monde. Le 6 avril 2004, trente ans jour pour jour après sa victoire au Concours Eurovision de la chanson, Universal Music offre à ABBA une certification spéciale attestant des ventes de plus de trois cent soixante millions de supports musicaux (2004) depuis sa création en 1970. Malheureusement pour les fans, rien de cet événement mémorable ne fut officiellement photographié, il est cependant possible d'en voir quelques séquences vidéo sur le DVD ABBA - Super Troupers. De plus, les chances de revoir ABBA un jour sur scène sont maintenant nulles depuis une déclaration de Bjorn Ulvaeus et de Benny Andersson : “We'll never play music together again”[4] (« Nous ne jouerons plus jamais ensemble »). Le 4 juillet 2008, pour la première fois depuis vingt-deux ans, les quatre membres du groupe se sont réunis à l'occasion de la première à Stockholm du film Mamma Mia! et ont posé ensemble pour les photographes. |
ABBA fue un
grupo sueco de música pop, el de más éxito en su país y en Europa, de
notable significado dentro del pop y el grupo de más éxito comercial de
la década de 1970.[1] Saltó a la fama tras triunfar en el Festival de la
Canción de Eurovisión 1974[2] y estuvo en activo entre los años 1972 y
1982. El cuarteto estaba formado por dos parejas sentimentales: Benny Andersson con Anni-Frid Lyngstad (mejor conocida como Frida) y Björn Ulvaeus con Agnetha Fältskog. El nombre "ABBA" es un acrónimo formado por las primeras letras del nombre de cada miembro (Agnetha, Björn, Benny, Anni-Frid). ABBA ganó popularidad internacional empleando melodías pegadizas, letras simples y su sonido propio, caracterizado por las armonías de las voces femeninas y el "muro de sonido", un efecto musical creado por el productor Phil Spector. Al crecer su popularidad, el grupo viajó por Europa, Australia y Estados Unidos, al mismo tiempo que se ocupaban de sus familias y de grabar álbumes. Sus grabaciones tuvieron un gran impacto musical, lo que los llevó a convertirse en los artistas más exitosos de su compañía discográfica (Universal Music Group). Sin embargo, en la cima de la popularidad, ambos matrimonios se disolvieron y los cambios en sus relaciones se reflejaron en su música, al escribir letras más complejas con diferentes composiciones. El grupo experimentó un declive comercial y finalmente decidieron tomar un descanso temporal que se ha extendido hasta el momento. Pese a esto, permanecieron fijos en las listas radiofónicas y ABBA es ahora uno de los grupos con más ventas mundiales, habiendo vendido casi 400 millones de discos a nivel mundial y aun así continúan vendiendo entre 2 y 3 millones de discos por año.[9] ABBA también fue el primer grupo pop europeo en experimentar el éxito en países de habla inglesa fuera de Europa, principalmente Australia, Nueva Zelanda, Sudáfrica, Canadá y en menor medida Estados Unidos. Posteriormente su popularidad abrió las puertas a otros artistas europeos. Su música ha sido cantada por otros grandes artistas y es la base del musical Mamma Mia!. El grupo se separó en 1982, haciendo su última aparición pública en el 2008, en el estreno de la película del musical Mamma Mia! En marzo de 2010 el grupo se incorporo al Salón de la Fama del Rock and Roll de Estados Unidos. |
ABBA was a
Swedish pop music group formed in Stockholm in 1972, consisting of Anni-Frid
"Frida" Lyngstad, Björn Ulvaeus, Benny Andersson and Agnetha Fältskog.
Fältskog and Ulvaeus were a married couple, as were Lyngstad and
Andersson during their career, although both couples later divorced.
They became one of the most commercially successful acts in the history
of popular music, and they topped the charts worldwide from 1972 to
1982. ABBA gained international popularity employing catchy song hooks, simple lyrics, sound effects (reverb, phasing) and a Wall of Sound achieved by overdubbing the female singers' voices in multiple harmonies. As their popularity grew, they were sought after to tour Europe, Australia, and North America, drawing crowds of ardent fans, notably in Australia. Touring became a contentious issue, being particularly cumbersome for Fältskog, but they continued to release studio albums to widespread commercial success. At the height of their popularity, however, both relationships began suffering strain that led ultimately to the collapse of first the Ulvaeus-Fältskog marriage (in 1979) and then of the Andersson-Lyngstad marriage in 1981. In the late 1970s and early 1980s these relationship changes began manifesting in the group's music, as they produced more thoughtful, introspective lyrics with different compositions. ABBA remains a fixture of radio play lists and is one of the world's best-selling bands, having sold over 375 million records worldwide, making them the fourth best-selling popular music artists in the history of recorded music. They still sell two to three million records a year.[3] ABBA was also the first pop group from mainland Europe to enjoy consistent success in the charts of English-speaking countries, including the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Ireland, South Africa/Rhodesia, Australia and New Zealand. Their popularity in Latin America was also undeniable, as well as reaching the top of the charts in different countries like Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia and Peru among others, the band also released a compilation of their hit songs translated into Spanish. "Gracias por la musica" was released in 1980 to be followed by "ABBA ORO" in 1999. After ABBA split, Andersson and Ulvaeus achieved success writing music for the stage while Lyngstad and Fältskog pursued individual solo careers with varying success. ABBA's music remained steadily popular until several films, notably Muriel's Wedding and The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert, revived interest in the group, spawning several tribute bands. In 1999, ABBA's music was adapted into the successful musical Mamma Mia! that toured worldwide and had a movie version released in 2008, becoming the highest grossing film in the UK ever. The group was inducted into The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame on 15 March 2010. Only Benny Andersson and Anni-Frid Lyngstad were present to accept ABBA's induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. The group was inducted into the museum by Bee Gees members Barry Gibb and Robin Gibb. |
Ring Ring (1973) |
Waterloo (1974) |
ABBA (1975) |
Arrival (1976) |
The Album (1977) |
Voulez-Vous (1979) |
Super Troupers (1980) |
The Visitors (1981) |
Voyage (2021) |
People Need Love (1972) |
He Is Your Brother (1972) |
Ring, Ring (Bara du Slog en Signal) (1973) |
Ring, Ring (1973) |
Love Isn't Easy (But It Sure Is Hard Enough) (1974) |
Waterloo (Swedish) (1974) |
Waterloo (1974) |
Honey, Honey (1974) |
So Long (1974) |
I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do (1975) |
S. O. S. (1975) |
Mamma Mia (1975) |
Fernando (1976) |
Dancing Queen (1976) |
Money, Money, Money (1976) |
Knowing Me, Knowing You (1977) |
The Name of the Game (1977) |
Take A Chance On Me (1978) |
Eagle (1978) |
Summer Night City (1978) |
Chiquitita (1979) |
Does Your Mother Know (1979) |
Voulez-Vous (1979) |
Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Man After Midnight) (1979) |
I Have A Dream (1979) |
The Winner Takes It All (1980) |
Super Troupers (1980) |
One Of Us (1981) |
Head Over Heels (1982) |
The Day Before You Came (1982) |
Greatest Hits (1975) |
Greatest Hits (1979) |
Gracias por la Música (1980) |
The Singles (1982) |
Live (1986) |
Gold (1992) |
Oro (1993) |
More ABBA Gold (1993) |
Mas Oro (1994) |
Thank You For The Music CD Box (1994) |
Love Stories (1998) |
Complete Singles Collection Box (1999) |
Classic (2000) |
The Definitive Collection (2001) |
The Complete Studio Recordings (2005) |
Number Ones (2006) |
ABBA The Albums (2008) |
Classic ABBA (2009) |
Collected (2011) |
The Essential Collection (2012) |
Others Authorized Albums & Singles
The Winner Takes It All (1999) |
The Definitive Collection (2001) |
Gold (2003) |
ABBA in Concert (2004) |
The Last Video (2004) |
Super Troupers (2004) |
The Movie (2005) |
16Hits (2006) |
Number Ones (2006) |
ABBA in Japan (2009) |
The Essential Collection (2012) |
The Books
ABBA Gold The Complete Story Book1993 |
Från ABBA Till Mamma Mia! Book 1999 |
ABBA Photo Book Book 2014 |
The Songs
Full Discography Playlist on Spotify
Videoclips Playlist from Youtube
ABBA Undeleted | Medley of Unreleased songs | ||
Al Andar |
Spanish Version of "Move On". From Por Siempre ABBA Documentary | |
1 | Andante, Andante |
Song from The "Super Trouper" Album Spanish version |
2 | Angeleyes | Song from The "Voulez-Vous" Album | |
3 | Another Town, Another Train | Song from the "Ring Ring" album | |
4 | Arrival | Song from the "Arrival" album | |
5 | As Good, As New |
Song from The "Voulez-Vous" Album Live at Wembley |
Baby | First version of "Rock Me" released as part of "ABBA Undeleted" | ||
6 | Bang-A-Boomerang |
Song from the "ABBA" album |
7 | Bumblebee |
New Song from the "Voyage" album |
8 | Burning My Bridges | Song released as a part of "ABBA Undeleted". | |
9 | Cassandra |
B side of "The Day Before You Came" single |
10 | Chiquitita |
Song from The "Voulez-Vous" Album Videoclip Live from United Nations Spanish version Live at Wembley Arena |
Conociéndome, Conociéndote |
Spanish version of "Knowing Me, Knowing You" | |
11 | Crazy World | B side of "Money, Money, Money" single | |
12 | Crying Over You | Song released as part of "ABBA Undeleted". | |
Dame! Dame! Dame! (Amor Esta Noche) |
Spanish version of "Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Man After Midnight)". | |
13 | Dance (While The Music Still Goes On) | Song from the "Waterloo" album | |
14 | Dancing Queen |
Song from the "Arrival" album Videoclip
Royal Swedish Opera |
15 | Disillusion | Song from the "Ring Ring" album | |
16 | Does Your Mother Know |
Song from The "Voulez-Vous" Album Videoclip Early Version from ABBA in Sweitzerland Live at Wembley |
17 | Don'T Shut Me Down |
CD-Single from 2021 and New Song from the "Voyage" album |
18 | Dream World | Song released on the box "Thank You For The Music" | |
19 | Dum Dum Diddle |
Song from the "Arrival" album Live at ABBAdabadoo |
20 | Eagle |
Song from "The Album" Videoclip Edited Version |
21 | Elaine | B side of the "The Winner Takes It All" single | |
En Carousel | First version of "Merry-Go-Round" | ||
En Hälsning Till Våra Parkarrangörer | Promotional Medley | ||
En Karusell | Swedish version of Merry-Go-Round | ||
Estoy Soñando |
Spanish version of "I Have A Dream" | |
Felicidad |
Spanish version of "Happy New Year" | |
22 |
Fernando Fernando (Spanish Version) Fernando (Swedish version by Frida) |
Song from the "Arrival" album Spanish version Live at Wembley |
23 | Free As A Bumble Bee | Song released as part of "ABBA Undeleted" | |
From A Twinkling Star To A Passing Angel | Demo medley of the working titles for "Like An Angel Passing Through My Room" song | ||
Gammal Fäbodpsalm | Song released only on the Live at Wembley album | ||
24 | Get On The Carousel | Song performed live on the 1977 concert tour and released in part on the DVD ABBA The Movie | |
25 | Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Man After Midnight) |
Song released as a single
26 | Givin' A Little Bit More | Song released as part of "ABBA Undeleted". | |
27 | Gonna Sing You My Lovesong | Song from the "Waterloo" album | |
Gracias Por La Música |
Spanish version of "Thank You For The Music". | |
28 | Hamlet III | Song released as part of "ABBA Undeleted" | |
29 | Happy Hawaii |
B side of the "Knowing Me, Knowing You" single Cartoon clip |
30 | Happy New Year |
Song from The "Super Trouper" Album |
31 | Hasta Mañana |
Song from the "Waterloo" album Spanish version From TV Program Señoras y Señores |
32 | Head Over Heels |
Song from The "Visitors" Album |
33 | He Is Your Brother |
Song from the "Ring Ring" album Live from the Movie |
34 | Hej Gamle Man ! | Song from Björn & Benny released on "Thank You For The Music" Box | |
35 | Here Comes Rubie Jamie | Song released as part of "ABBA Undeleted". | |
36 | Hey, Hey Helen |
Song from the "ABBA" album From TV program Don Kirshner Rock Concert |
Hey Musikant | German version of "Hej gamle man!". | ||
37 | Hole In Your Soul |
Song from "The Album" From ABBA in Concert Live at Wembley |
38 | Honey, Honey |
Song from the "Waterloo" album Swedish Version From TV Program Starparade |
39 | Hovas Vittne |
Song only released as a promotional single Live for TV Program |
40 | I'M An A | Unreleased Live Song performed on the 77 Tour | |
41 | I Am Just A Girl | Song from the "Ring Ring" album | |
42 | I Am The City | Song released on the "More ABBA Gold" compilation | |
43 | I Can Be That Woman |
New Song from the "Voyage" album |
44 | I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do |
Song from the "ABBA" album |
45 | If It Wasn'T For The Nights |
Song from The "Voulez-Vous" Album Live At Mike Yarwood Program Live at Wembley |
46 | I Have A Dream |
Song from The "Voulez-Vous" Album Live ABBA in Concert Live at Wembley Arena |
47 | I Let The Music Speak | Song from The "Visitors" Album | |
48 | I'M A Marionette |
Song from "The Album" From ABBA The Movie |
49 | I'M Still Alive | Song only released on the "Live at Wembley" Album | |
50 | Intermezzo No. 1 |
Song from the "ABBA" album Live from ABBA The Movie Live at Wembley |
51 | I Saw It In The Mirror | Song from the "Ring Ring" album | |
52 | I Still Have Faith In You |
CD-Single from 2021 and New Song from the "Voyage" album |
53 | I'Ve Been Waiting For You |
Song from the "ABBA" album From the Musikladen special TV Program |
54 | I Wonder (Departure) |
Song from "The Album" Live from Sydney |
55 | Just A Notion |
Song released as part of "ABBA Undeleted". 2021 Full version from the "Voyage" Album. Lyric video |
56 | Just Like That | Song released as part of "ABBA Undeleted" | |
57 | Keep An Eye On Dan |
New Song from the "Voyage" album |
58 | King Kong Song | Song from the "Waterloo" album | |
59 | Kisses Of Fire |
Song from The "Voulez-Vous" Album From the TV Program ABBA in Switzerland |
60 | Knowing Me, Knowing You |
Song from the "Arrival" album
La Reina Del Baile | Spanish version of "Dancing Queen" | ||
61 | Lay All Your Love On Me | Song from The "Super Trouper" Album | |
62 | Like An Angel Passing Through My Room | Song from The "Visitors" Album | |
63 | Little Things |
New Song from the "Voyage" album |
64 | Love Isn'T Easy (But It Sure Is Hard Enough) |
Song from the "Ring Ring" album From Sommerlørdag TV Program |
65 | Lovelight |
B side of the "Chiquitita" single Remixed and Edited version |
66 | Lovers (Live A Little Longer) |
Song from The "Voulez-Vous" Album From the TV Program ABBA in Sweitzerland |
67 | Mamma Mia |
Song from the "ABBA" album Videoclip Spanish version |
68 | Man In The Middle | Song from the "ABBA" album | |
69 | Me And Bobby And Bobby'S Brother | Song from the "Ring Ring" album | |
70 | Me And I |
Song from The "Super Trouper" Album Live from Dick Caveet Concert |
Medley (Pick A Bale of Cotton / On Top of Old Smokey / Midnight Special) | Medley released on the "Stars Ilm Zeichen Eines Guten Sterms" album | ||
71 | Merry-Go-Round |
B side of the "People Need Love" single Björn & Benny Version |
Midnight Special | Song released as part of "Medley" | ||
Mina Ögon | Swedish version of Disillusion by Agnetha | ||
72 | Money, Money, Money |
Song from the "Arrival" album Live at Wembley Arena |
73 | Move On | Song from "The Album" | |
74 | My Love, My Life |
Song from the "Arrival" album From the ABBAdabadoo TV Program |
75 | My Mama Said | Song from the "Waterloo" album | |
76 | Nina, Pretty Ballerina | Song from the "Ring Ring" album | |
77 | No Doubt About It |
New Song from the "Voyage" album |
No Hay A Quien Culpar |
Spanish version of "When All Is Said And Done" | |
78 | Ode To Freedom |
New Song from the "Voyage" album |
79 | On And On And On |
Song from The "Super Trouper" Album
On Top Of Old Smokey | Song released as part of "Medley" | ||
80 | One Man, One Woman |
Song from "The Album" |
81 | One Of Us |
Song from The "Visitors" Album |
82 | Our Last Summer | Song from The "Super Trouper" Album | |
83 | People Need Love |
Song from the "Ring Ring" album From Vi en Feman TV Program |
Pick A Bale Of Cotton | Song released as part of "Medley" | ||
84 | Put On Your White Sombrero | Song released on "Thank You For The Music" Box. | |
85 | Rikky Rock'N'Roller | Song released as part of "ABBA Undeleted" | |
86 |
Ring Ring Ring Ring (German Version) Ring Ring (Swedish Version) Ring Ring (Spanish Version) |
Song from the "Ring Ring" album English Version German Version Swedish Version Spanish Version Spanish, German and Swedish version Remix 1974 |
87 | Rock Me |
Song of the "ABBA" album From Musikladen TV program Live at Wembley |
88 | Rock'N'Roll Band |
Song from the "Ring Ring" album Björn & Benny Version |
89 | Rubber Ball Man | Song released as part of "ABBA Undeleted" | |
90 | Santa Rosa | B side of the "He Is Your Brother" single | |
91 | Scaramouche | Song released as part of "ABBA Undeleted" | |
Se Me Esta Escapando | Spanish version of "Slipping Through My Fingers". | ||
92 | She'S My Kind Of Girl |
Song from the "Ring Ring" album Björn & Benny Version |
93 | Should I Laugh Or Cry | B side of the "One Of Us" single | |
94 | Sitting In The Palmtree | Song from the "Waterloo" album | |
95 | Slipping Through My Fingers |
Song from The "Visitors" Album Live from Dick Caveeet Concert |
96 | Soldiers | Song from The "Visitors" Album | |
97 | So Long |
Song from the "ABBA" album From Onkryg i Flygel TV Program |
98 |
S.O.S. S.O.S. (Swedish Version by Agnetha) |
Song from the "ABBA" album Swedish version by Agnetha |
99 | Summer Night City |
Song from The "Voulez-Vous" Album
100 | Super Trouper |
Song from The "Super Trouper" Album |
101 | Suzy-Hang-Around | Song from the "Waterloo" album | |
102 | Sång Till Görel | Song only released as promotional single | |
103 | Take A Chance On Me |
Song from "The Album" Live at Wembley Arena |
104 | Thank You For The Music |
Song from "The Album" Doris Day Version Live at Wembley Arena |
105 | That'S Me |
Song from the "Arrival" album |
106 | The Day Before You Came |
Song released as a single |
The Girl With The Golden Hair | Unreleased mini-musical performed live on the 1977 concert tour | ||
107 | The King Has Lost His Crown |
Song from The "Voulez-Vous" Album From the ABBA in Switzerland TV Program |
The Last Video | Special videoclip broadcasted on TV | ||
108 | The Name Of The Game |
Song from "The Album" Edited version |
109 | The Piper | Song from The "Super Trouper" Album | |
110 | The Visitors (Crackin' Up) | Song from The "Visitors" Album | |
111 | The Way Old Friends Do |
Live recording from The "Super Trouper" Album Videoclip Live at Wembley |
112 | The Winner Takes It All |
Song from The "Super Trouper" Album |
113 | Tiger |
Song from the "Arrival" album From ABBA Special Studio 2 |
114 | Tiveds Hambo |
Special song released as a promotional single Instrumental version B Side of "Hovas Vittne" single |
115 | Tropical Loveland |
Song from the "ABBA" album From The Best of ABBA TV Program |
116 | Two For The Price Of One |
Song from The "Visitors" Album From the Dick Caveet Concert |
117 | Under Attack |
Song released as a single |
Under My Sun | Unreleased song performed live in rehearsal for 1979 concert tour | ||
118 | Voulez-Vous |
Song from The "Voulez-Vous" Album Live at Wembley |
Was Die Liebe Sagt (Björn & Benny) | B side of the single "Hey Musikant" from Björn & Benny | ||
119 | Watch Out | Song from the "Waterloo" album | |
120 |
Waterloo Waterloo (French Version) Waterloo (Swedish Version) Waterloo (German Version) |
Song from the "Waterloo" album Videoclip Live winning the Melodifestivalen Live winning the Eurovision Song contest French Version Swedish verion German version Alternate Version Live at Wembley Arena Swedish & French version |
Wer Im Wartesaal Der Liebe Steht | German version of "Another Town, Another Train" | ||
121 | What About Livingstone? | Song from the "Waterloo" album | |
122 | When All Is Said And Done |
Song from The "Visitors" Album |
123 | When I Kissed The Teacher |
Song from the "Arrival" album From the ABBAdabadoo TV Program |
When The Waves Roll Out To Sea | Unreleased Instrumental version of "Just Like That". | ||
124 | When You Danced With Me |
New Song from the "Voyage" album |
Why Did It Have To Be Me? |
Song from the "Arrival" album From ABBA The Movie From the ABBAdabadoo TV Program Live at Wembley | |
125 | You Owe Me One | B side of the "Under Attack" single | |
126 | Åh, Vilka Tider |
Song from Björn & Benny released a B side of the swedish single "Ring Ring" |
Official ABBA Discography (FLAC & MP3 to download)
ABBA on Television (Videoclip to view)
ABBA Gold Medley | Promotional Medley | ||
127 | Alley Cat | Unreleased song performed live on TV | |
And The Wind Cries Mary | Unreleased and unreccorded song | ||
128 | Arga Unga Män, Förenen Eder! | Unreleased song performed live on a Cabaret show in 1970 | |
129 | Barbara-Ann | Unreleased song performed live on the TV show "Olivia!" | |
130 | Barnvisor | Unreleased song performed at the 1973 Festfolket tour | |
131 | California Here I Come | Unreleased song performed live on TV | |
132 | Danny Boy | Unreleased song performed live at the concert in Dublin in 1979 | |
133 | Don'T Fence Me In | Unreleased song performed live on TV | |
134 | Every Good Man | Unreleased demo for Chess | |
135 | Fairfax Rag | Unreleased song performed on the Festfolket 73 | |
136 | Funky Feet | Unreleased song | |
Ge Mig En Chans | Unreleased Swedish version of "Don't Fence Me In" performed live on TV | ||
137 | Have You Never Been Mellow | Unreleased song where ABBA is on backing vocal for Olivia Newton-Johnn | |
138 | Helan Går | CUnreleased song performed live on Radio | |
139 | Help Me Rhonda | Unreleased song performed live on the TV show "Olivia!" | |
140 | Holiday | Unreleased song performed live on the TV show "Olivia!" | |
141 | I Get Around | Unreleased song performed on the Festfolket 73 | |
142 | I Just Want To Be Your Everything | Unreleased song where ABBA is on backing vocal for Olivia Newton-Johnn | |
143 | I Want You | Unreleased song | |
144 | If You Love Me Let Me Know | Unreleased song where ABBA is on backing vocal for Olivia Newton-Johnn | |
In The Arms Of Rosalita | Demo of "Chiquitita" | ||
145 | In The Mood | Song performed live as part of "So Long" in the 1977 Concert tour | |
146 | Ja Må Hon Leva | Unreleased song performed live on Radio | |
147 | Jailhouse Rock | Unreleased song performed live on the TV show "Olivia!" | |
Japan Medley | Medley released on a japanese compilation | ||
148 | Jeg Har En Tulle Med Oyne Blå | Unreleased song performed live in concert in Oslo in 1977 | |
149 | Johan På Snippen | Unreleased Song performed on "ABBA The Movie" | |
Lady Bird | Unreleased song recorded in 1979 | ||
Live 77 | Medley released on a promotional single | ||
Lotties Schottis | Unreleased song performed live on TV but not screaning | ||
150 | Med En Enkil Tulipen | Unreleased song performed live for the 50 birthday of Görel | |
Megamedley | Medley released on the german "Waterloo" CD single | ||
Monsieur, Monsieur | Demo version of "My Love, My Life" broadcasted on Radio | ||
More ABBA Gold Medley From Spain | Promotional Medley released on a CD-Single | ||
National Commercial | Publucitary TV Spot based on "Fernando" | ||
Nationalsång | Unreleased song | ||
151 | Nu Är Det Jul Igen | Unreleased song performed live on Radio | |
Olivia! Jam Session | Unreleased medley performed live on TV | ||
Oro Grandes Exitos Medley | Promotional medley | ||
152 | Please Mr Please | Unreleased song where ABBA is on backing vocal for Olivia Newton-Johnn | |
153 | Polkan Går | Song performed in "The Movie" | |
154 | Put A Little Love In Your Heart | Unreleased song performed live at the UNICEF Concert | |
155 | Scotland The Brave | Unreleased song performed live at the concert in Glasgow in 1979 | |
156 | Skål! | Unreleased song performed live on TV | |
157 | Stoned | Song performed in "The Movie" | |
158 | The Days Of The Old Schoolyard | Unreleased song where ABBA is on backing vocal for Olivia Newton-Johnn | |
Tyck Om Varann | Live version of "Hej Gamle Man" performed in 1970 in a Cabaret Show | ||
159 | Una Voce Poco Fa | Unreleased song performed live as rehearsal of the 1979 concert tour | |
160 | Untitled | Unreleased song recorded at Metronome Studios | |
161 | Untitled Jam | Unreleased song performed live as rehearsal of the 1979 concert tour | |
162 | Untitled Song | Inexistant song title reported to have been recorded by ABBA | |
163 | Vi Är Väninnor | Unreleased song performed live on a Cabaret show in 1970 by Frida | |
164 | Waltzing Matilda | Unreleased song performed live in concert in Australia in 1977 |
'Til The Night Is Gone | Working Title of "On And On And On" |
15e Oktober-Låten | Working Title of "Soldiers" |
A Bit Of Myself | Working Title of "The Name Of The Game" |
A Crazy World | Working Title of "Crazy World" |
A Simple Four-Letter Word | Alias of "I'M An A" |
Amerika | Working Title of "Voulez-Vous" |
An Angel Passing Through My Room | Working Title of "Like An Angel Passing Through My Room" |
An Angel Walked Through My Room | Working Title of "Like An Angel Passing Through My Room" |
An Angel'S Passing Through My Room | Working Title of "Like An Angel Passing Through My Room" |
Andante | Misspelled title of "Andante, Andante" |
Andate | Misspelled title of "Andante, Andante" |
Another Morning Without You | Working Title of "Like An Angel Passing Through My Room" |
Antonio Från Borneo | Working Title of "Scaramouche" |
Arrival In Dalecarlia | Working Title of "Arrival" |
Baby I Won'T Come Back | Working Title of "What About Livingstone?" |
Bach-Låten | Working Title of "Intermezzo No. 1" |
Bara Du Slog En Signal | Alias of "Ring Ring" |
Been And Gone And Done It | Working Title of "Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Man After Midnight)" |
Belsebub | Working Title of "The King Has Lost His Crown" |
Big John | Working Title of "Move On" |
Billy Boy | Working Title of "Take A Chance On Me" |
Blinka Lilla Stjärna | Working Title of "Super Trouper" |
Boogaloo | Working Title of "Dancing Queen" |
Chiquita | Misspelled title of "Chiquitita" |
Chiquitita Angelina | Working Title of "Chiquitita" |
Coachman'S Farm | Working Title of "That'S Me" |
Conociéndome, Conociéndote | Spanish version of "Knowing Me, Knowing You". |
Contemplation | Working Title of "Another Town, Another Train" |
Daddy Don'T Get Drunk On Christmas Day | Working Title of "Happy New Year" |
Dance With The Devil | Working Title of "Man In The Middle" |
Dancing In The Moonlight | Inexistant song title reported to have been recorded by ABBA |
Debe Ser Rock And Roll | Spanish title of "Hole In Your Soul" |
Den Första | Working Title of "The Visitors (Crackin' Up)" |
Den Lidande Fågeln | Working Title of "The Day Before You Came" |
Didn'T I | Working Title of "Rock Me" |
Dinero, Dinero, Dinero | Spanish title of "Money, Money, Money" |
Dixie | Working Title of "Here Comes Rubie Jamie" |
Dr. Claus Von Hamlet | Alias for "Hamlet III" |
Dr. Klaus | Working title of "Fernando" |
Dream Land | Working Title of "Dream World" |
Dum De Dum | Alias of "Alley Cat" |
El Andar | Misspeled title of "Al Andar" |
El Nombre Del Juego | Spanish title of "The Name Of The Game" |
El Paso | Working Title of "Cassandra" |
Elaine Elaine Elaine | Working Title of "Elaine" |
En Song Om Sommar | Inexistant song title reported to have been recorded by ABBA |
Esses Vad Det Svänger När Man Spelar Jazz | Working Title of "On And On And On" |
Every Good Man Needs A Helping Hand | Working Title of "Every Good Man" |
Fiol | Working Title of "Arrival" |
Going Strong | Inexistant song title reported to have been recorded by ABBA |
Grandpa'S Banjo | Working Title of "Santa Rosa" |
Gold Medley | Alias of "ABBA Gold Medley" |
Hades | Working Title of "Lovelight" |
Happy Birthday To You | Alias of "Ja Må Hon Leva" |
Harry | Working Title of "I Am The City" |
Hawaii | Working Title of "Why Did It Have To Be Me?" |
Hawaii Feliz | Spanish title of "Why Did It Have To Be Me?" |
He Estado Esperando Por Ti | Spanish title of "I'Ve Been Waiting For You" |
Heroes | Working Title of "Lovelight" |
High High | Working Title of "Eagle" |
High On Your Love | Working Title of "Hole In Your Soul" |
Hold Me Close | Working Title of "Andante, Andante" |
Honey-Pie | Working Title of "Waterloo" |
Honeysuckle Rose | Working Title of "Intermezzo No. 1" |
Horn Per | Working Title of "Lovers (Live A Little Longer)" |
Hurry | Working Title of "I Am The City" |
I Am A Tiger | Working Title of "Tiger" |
I Believe In You | Working Title of a missing song |
I Can Do It | Working Title of "Does Your Mother Know" |
I Just Wasn'T Thinking | Inexistant song title reported to have been recorded by ABBA |
I Know A Song | Working Title of "I Have A Dream" |
I Owe You One | Misspelled title of "You Owe Me One" |
I'Am An A | Misspelled title of "I'M An A" |
I'D Give Anything To Be Back Home In... | Working Title of "Santa Rosa" |
I'M Gonna Sing You A Lovesong | Working Title of "Gonna Sing You My Lovesong" |
I'M The Tiger | Working Title of "Tiger" |
Ich Hab Angst | Working Title of "Just A Notion" |
In The Can | Inexistant song title reported to have been recorded by ABBA |
In The City | Alias of "I Am The City" |
In The Waiting Room Of Love | Inexistant song probably as english translation of "Wer Im Wartesaal Der Liebe Steht" |
Ing. Saltet | Working Title of "Crazy World" |
Intermedio N°1 | Spanish title of "Intermezzo No. 1" |
It'S A Game | Inexistant song title reported to have been recorded by ABBA |
It'S Alright Darling | Inexistant song title reported to have been recorded by ABBA |
It'S Been Swell | Inexistant song title reported to have been recorded by ABBA |
It'S Better Now | Inexistant song title reported to have been recorded by ABBA |
Jackass | Working Title of "Me And I" |
Jam Session | Alias of "Olivia! Jam Session" |
Joanne | Working Title of "Move On" |
Kalle Skändare | Working Title of "Summer Night City" |
Kamelo | Working Title of "You Owe Me One" |
Katakusom | Working Title of "Angeleyes" |
Klocklåt | Working Title of "Ring Ring" |
Kålsupare | Working Title of "Chiquitita" |
Kålsupare II | Working Title of "Chiquitita" |
Losers In Love | Inexistant song title reported to have been recorded by ABBA |
Love For Me Is Love Forever | Working Title of "Move On" |
Luz De Amor | Spanish Title of "Lovelight" |
Mama | Working Title of "Intermezzo No. 1" |
Mamma | Working Title of "Intermezzo No. 1" |
Memory Lane | Working Title of "Why Did It Have To Be Me?" |
Mi Amore | Working Title of "One Of Us" |
More Gold Medley | Alias of "More ABBA Gold Medley From Spain" |
Motorbike Ride | Inexistant song title reported to have been recorded by ABBA |
Mountain Top | Working Title of "Fernando" |
Mr Sex | Working Title of "King Kong Song" |
Name Of The Game | Misspelled title of "The Name Of The Game" |
National Sings Out | Alias of "National Commercial" |
National Song | Alias of "National Commercial" |
Nationalsånget | Alias of "Nationalsång" |
No Man'S Land | Inexistant song title reported to have been recorded by ABBA |
Nu Alla | Alias of "Skål!" |
Nu Er Det Jul Igen | Misspelled title of "Nu Är Det Jul Igen" |
Number One, Number One | Working Title of "Knowing Me, Knowing You" |
Nummer 1 | Working Title of "One Of Us" |
Ny Alla | Alias of "Skål!" |
Ode To Dalecarlia | Working Title of "Arrival" |
Olle Olle | Working Title of "Hole In Your Soul" |
Opp I Det Blå | Inexistant song title reported to have been recorded by ABBA |
Opus 10 | Alias of "Nationalsång" |
Our Island | Inexistant song title reported to have been recorded by ABBA |
Out Of Sight | Inexistant song title reported to have been recorded by ABBA |
Padre | Working Title of "Put On Your White Sombrero" |
Pandemonium | Working Title of "If It Wasn'T For The Nights" |
Peasants | Working Title of "Soldiers" |
Piccolino | Working Title of "Me And I" |
Pick Bale Of Cotton | Mispelled title for "Pick A Bale Of Cotton" |
Pig Party On Mallorca | Working Title of "Put On Your White Sombrero" |
Polken Går | Mispelled title of "Polkan Går" |
Reggae | Working Title of "Tropical Loveland" |
Reina Bailarina | Alias of "La Reina del Baile" |
Reina Danzante | Alias of "La Reina del Baile" |
Ricky Rock'N'Roller | Misspelled title of "Rikky Rock'N'Roller" |
Ring It In | Working Title of "Knowing Me, Knowing You" |
Rio De Janeiro | Working Title of "When I Kissed The Teacher" |
Rock 'N' Roll (Hole In Your Soul) | Working Title of "Hole In Your Soul" |
Rosalita | Working Title of "Chiquitita" |
Rum & Coca Cola | Inexistant song title reported to have been recorded by ABBA |
Salute To Stig | Working Title of "Hovas Vittne" |
Sherwood | Working Title of "The Piper" |
Sjömansvisa | Working Title of "One Man, One Woman" |
Something On My Mind | Inexistant song title reported to have been recorded by ABBA |
Song 'X' | Working Title of "Voulez-Vous" |
Spansk II | Working Title of "Put On Your White Sombrero" |
Stop And Listen To Your Heart | Working Title of "Bang-A-Boomerang" |
Svantes Inferno | Working Title of "Free As A Bumble Bee" |
Sång Till Gudrun | Alias of "Ja Må Hon Leva" |
Take Me In Your Armpit | Working Title of "I Have A Dream" |
Tango (Fernando) | Working Title of "Fernando" |
Tango (Head Over Heels) | Working Title of "Head Over Heels" |
Tanto Tiempo | Spanish title of "So Long" |
Te He Estado Esperando | Spanish title of "I'Ve Been Waiting For You" |
Ten Tin Soldiers | Working Title of "The Piper" |
Terra Del Fuego | Working Title of "Here Comes Rubie Jamie" |
The City | Alias of "I Am The City" |
The Devil In Miss Jones | Inexistant song title reported to have been recorded by ABBA |
The Eagle | Working Title of "Eagle" |
The Rock'N Roll Band | Working Title of "Rock'N'Roll Band" |
The Story Of My Life | Working Title of "The Winner Takes It All" |
The Story Of My Life II | Working Title of "The Winner Takes It All" |
The Story Of My Life III | Working Title of "The Winner Takes It All" |
Three Wise Guys | Working Title of "Chiquitita" |
Tidernas Blåsning | Working Title of "Kisses Of Fire" |
Tierra De Amor Tropical | Spanish title of "Tropical Loveland" |
Turn Me On | Working Title of "S.O.S." |
Turn Out The Light | Working Title of "My Mama Said" |
Twinkle Twinkle | Working Title of "Like An Angel Passing Through My Room" |
Underbar | Working Title of "Should I Laugh Or Cry" |
Va Todo Al Ganador | Unreleased spanish version of "The Winner Takes It All" |
We Are A Simple Four-Letter Word | Alias of "I'M An A" |
Where The Sunshine Is | Working Title of "Suzy-Hang-Around" |
Who'S Gonna Love You | Working Title of "Hasta Mañana" |
Wind | Working Title of "The Day Before You Came" |
Winner Takes It All | Misspelled title of "The Winner Takes It All" |
X | Working Title of "Voulez-Vous" |
Yarrafat | Working Title of "Lay All Your Love On Me" |
Yippee Yay | Working Title of "Move On" |
Äntligen Krig | Working Title of "The Piper" |
Contribution on Albums and Songs
1973 Ted Ted GÄRDESTAD CD | Backing Vocal |
Baker Street Gerry RAFFERTY 1978 | Song Inspired |
Come Give Me Love Ted GÄRDESTAD 1973 | Backing Vocal |
Do It Again The BEACH BOYS 1968 | Song Inspired |
Du Har En Vän {Swedish} Lena ANDERSSON 1971 | Backing Vocal |
Gitarren Och Jag {Swedish} Ted GÄRDESTAD 1973 | Backing Vocal |
Glöm Dig Själv För En Dag {Swedish} Lena ANDERSSON 1971 | Backing Vocal |
I'M Not In Love TEN CC 1975 | Song Inspired |
Jag Kommer {Swedish} Lena ANDERSSON 1971 | Backing Vocal |
Jag Ska Fånga En Ängel {Swedish} Ted GÄRDESTAD 1973 | Backing Vocal |
Kaliforniens Guld {Swedish} Ted GÄRDESTAD 1973 | Backing Vocal |
Kom I Min Fantasi {Swedish} Ted GÄRDESTAD 1973 | Backing Vocal |
Oh, Vilken Härlig Dag {Swedish} Ted GÄRDESTAD 1973 | Backing Vocal |
Ramanagaram {Swedish} Ted GÄRDESTAD 1973 | Backing Vocal |
Rock Your Baby George MCCRAE 1974 | Song Inspired |
Skolsång {Swedish} Ted GÄRDESTAD 1973 | Backing Vocal |
Sol, Vind Och Vatten {Swedish} Ted GÄRDESTAD 1973 | Backing Vocal |
Stenansiktet {Swedish} Ted GÄRDESTAD 1973 | Backing Vocal |
The Real Slim Shady EMINEM 2000 | Song Inspired |
Tom Tom Käre Vän {Swedish} Lena ANDERSSON 1971 | Backing Vocal |
Tänk Om Man Bara Kunde Svara På Frågor {Swedish} Lena ANDERSSON 1971 | Backing Vocal |
Universum {Swedish} Ted GÄRDESTAD 1973 | Backing Vocal |
Vårnattsmelodi {Swedish} Lena ANDERSSON 1971 | Backing Vocal |
Big Bad John Jimmy DEAN 1961 | Song Inspired |
Christmas Greetings Frida 2002 | Autor |
Christmas Greetings {Interview} Agnetha 1982 | Autor |
Sommaren Som Aldrig Säger Nej {Swedish} MALTA 2000 | Song Inspired |
Officials with Vocals |